Shooting Stars COVID-19 Safety Measures and Guidelines
These safety measures and polices have been put in place to ensure our club is COVID secure, for an easy and safe return/visit to Shooting Stars please read thoroughly before arriving for gymnastics classes. All our below safety measures follow our National Governing Body; British Gymnastics and government guidelines.We would like to thank you all in advance for your patience and co-operation whilst we transition into a new way of running and delivering fun and progressive gymnastics classes.

Keeping everyone safe is our highest priority, for the time being with rising COVID-19 infection rates in Telford & Wrekin our viewing area will remain closed with the exception of your child's first lesson with us (taster session) where viewing will be available for one adult only (no additional adults or siblings) with the use of a face covering whilst viewing.

Drop off
Drop off and collection times have been staggered giving a safe entry for all children. As you arrive you will notice an ‘gymnast arrival line’ for participants to wait in, please do not enter the arrival line until your child’s class start time and we ask parents/careers not to enter the line please, thank you (we ask parents/careers to please wear a face covering). At the start of your child’s class a coach or member of staff will unlock the premises doors and come outside to collect participants from the gymnast arrival line (i.e. if your child’s class starts at 5:30pm, a coach/staff member will collect children from outside at 5:30pm), coaches/staff will administer hand sanitiser to every participant and take each child’s temperature (from the wrist) via an infrared thermometer before entering the building (those with sensitive skin please provide your own alcohol free hand sanitiser). Once inside markers have been placed in and out the gymnasium area to encourage children to socially distance themselves from others. We ask that all parents/careers please have children go to the toilet before leaving your home, thank you.

Basket System (not applicable to Pre-School gymnastics)
Every child will be required to bring either a backpack or drawstring bag to every lesson. Your child’s name needs to be clearly labelled on their bag, to avoid them touching or mistaking which bag is theirs. Your child will be required to carry this bag around the gymnasium from apparatus to apparatus, so please ensure it is a suitable size for your child to carry.

Your child will require the following Items in their backpack/drawstring bag:
  •  Bottle of water- Due to drinks being carried around the gymnasium within their bags, gymnasts will only be allowed water only during lessons. (Gymnastics equipment is extremely expensive and spillages made by water can easily be cleaned. Spillages through juices, sports drinks etc. will stain and ruin the clubs equipment. Parents will be handed the bill to pay for the cost of clean-up and removal of stains on gymnastics equipment for any spillages and stains caused from prohibited drinks. Save yourself that expense and provide your child with water only please.)
  •        Personal size hand gel for those aged 5 years and over (Alcohol free and children’s hand sanitiser are available at ‘Boots’ retailers for those with sensitive skin).
  •         Travel pack of facial tissues.
  •         A couple of plasters (children will be asked to apply their own plasters for minor cuts and scrapes).
  •         Any medical needs i.e. inhalers, epipen etc.
Squad gymnasts will require the following extra items in their gym bags:
  •        Bar grips, chalk & their own personal water spray for bar grips.
  •        Any other personal equipment used by squad gymnasts, i.e. ankle weights & resistance bands.
Once inside the gym your child will be asked to remove their shoes and place them inside their bag. To ease traffic flow at the start and end of the lesson we ask all children to come wearing either sliders, crocs or flip flops so they can easily get them on and off.
(Please NO socks, trainers, boots etc. as these cannot be put on quickly and easily) We advise keeping a carrier bag inside their gym bag for wet days.

All winter coats are to be left with parents please, this is due to coats hooks and the cubbyholes being closed. Alternatively a packable mac/rain poncho that children can easily fold up into a carrier bag and place into their backpack/drawstring bag would be acceptable.

As there will not be a space available for children to get changed, children will need to arrive dressed and ready for class.

Female participants:
Their hair needed to be securely tied up every session. Those with hair longer than shoulder length need to have the hair braided once in a ponytail or a tight bun to keep hair out of the way for safety. Sorry we do not provide hair bands.

May – September; to come wearing their leotard and cycling/tight fitting gym shorts over the top of their leotard. Please leave all leggings and club sweatshirts at home.

October – April; female gymnasts need to come wearing their leotard, with leggings over the top. Club sweatshirts are advisory during the colder months.

Male participants:
May – September; male gymnasts need to come wearing shorts and a t-shirt or vest.
October – April; male gymnasts need to come wearing joggers and a t-shirt or long sleeve t-shirt. Club sweatshirts are advisory during the colder months.

We kindly ask that you wash gymnastics attire as often as possible, thank you.

Your child may not attend any classes if they have any minor or major illnesses, this includes colds, minor infections and a fever. We are running a strict no participation policy for any child with a temperature, continuous cough or COVID-19 symptoms. Every child’s temperature will be taken via an infrared thermometer before gaining entry to classes. Please keep children off until they are 100 percent well, thank you.

COVID-19 Symptoms
If at any point your child or any other member of your household develops COVID-19 symptoms, you must inform the club straight away and follow the latest government guidelines on self-isolating.


At the end of your child’s class, participants will be lined up and asked to slip shoes on and walk outside the front of the building by their coach and placed in the ‘dismissal holding pen’. Parents will need to collect children from the dismissal pen so we can ensure a safe exit (we ask parents/careers to please wear a face covering).

Please ensure you arrive on time to collect children as they will be required to wait within this outside holding pen until a parent arrives for collection. As the governments guidelines, all children and adults are advised to wash their hands with warm water and soap as soon as they arrive home.

 ‘Arrival and dismissal holding pens’ will be held in the parking spaces located outside the club, therefore we ask parents of children participating in classes before 5:20pm Mon-Fri to park outside the gated business park (Enterprise carpark, outside the gate area or Hadley Park Road). Please do not park in our neighbours spaces as this effects the running of their business and causes bad feeling amongst neighbours/businesses, thank you. Those attending classes from 5:30pm Mon-Fri or Saturday classes should be okay to park within the Business Park, if not please use other locations as above for parking. Thank you

Cleaning Commitments and Risk Assessments

Gymnastics equipment will be wiped down after every use, followed by children being supervised administration of their hand gel from their ‘basket system’ (under 5’s will be provided with hand gel from their coach). The toilet area and touch point areas will be wiped down after every session, as well as weekly deep cleans. Roller shutters will be open where possible, bringing in fresh air and giving an air flow through the building. All necessary risk assessments regarding COVID-19 have been completed by the club.
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